Festive driving practice with Drivedeck

Treloar's students have embraced the festive spirit this Christmas by practising their driving skills using one of our Drivedecks decorated as a sleigh.

EHDC Councillors visit Treloar's

East Hampshire District Councillors Adeel Shah and Graham Hill visited the newly created Bradbury Learning Centre with Hannah Robbins from EHDC Community Development Team.

Santa’s grotto

Primary students enjoyed meeting Santa and his elves and spent an afternoon outdoors, taking part in Christmas activities - all set up in Treloar’s Forest School.

A trip to 10 Downing Street

College student Dan went on a trip to No 10 Downing Street to present a petition to raise about the issues with the implementation of floating bus stops.

Treloar’s celebrates staff success

In October, Treloar’s held its first Celebration of Success evening in recognition of all the hard and work and dedication made by the staff.

Treloar’s Job Shop

Treloar's students had a great opportunity to meet staff from different departments during Treloar's Job Shop.

AAC Awareness Month

Treloar’s celebrated AAC Awareness Month the week commencing 21 October.

Preparing for school trips

Our latest primary student voice activity was all about helping our young learners get ready for their upcoming school trips.