School Curriculum

Treloar School curriculum is shaped by the educational and well-being needs of our students, facilitated by a holistic, student centred, multi-disciplinary approach. This encompasses education, residential, pastoral care, therapy and healthcare support.

It is personalised, relevant and coherently planned. It is ambitious in its determination for students to apply new knowledge and skills and for them to achieve the best possible outcomes. It is based on evidence of successful practice and incorporates the concepts, intent and overarching ideas of individual subjects from the National Curriculum.

Our curriculum encompasses rich opportunities for high quality learning to support students in developing their self-awareness and communication skills as they prepare for the next stage in their lives. It promotes each student’s resilience, determination and independence through our belief that so much more is possible.

Each student receives a dynamic, holistic curriculum offer which supports their readiness for learning and meets each aspect of their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

We harness our expertise to challenge and nurture our students from their individual starting points and help them lead the most fulfilling life possible, both in school and beyond.

“This is a school with great purpose and endless compassion. Staff are totally dedicated to their work to break down barriers and to make pupils feel that more is possible in their own lives.” 

Ofsted March 2024


Individualised curriculum pathways are built upon each of the student’s fundamental needs addressed in their Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).

Treloar's student is using her bare hands to fill up a pot with soil; she is in the greenhouse; her assistant his holding the pot and smiling. The girl looks focused.

Learning is differentiated to match the ability and needs of each student. Our curriculum recognises that all students are unique and so is their learning pathway. Designed to cater for students with a wide range of needs, regardless of the speed of their progress, the pace of the curriculum will always be student dependent. Every student is regularly given the opportunity to review their termly personalised curriculum alongside their MDT. This increases students’ confidence in advocating for themselves, and this is put into practice in Secondary when students (where appropriate) will attend their half termly MDT meetings.

Each student receives a personalised and bespoke curriculum. At Treloar School, we have the flexibility to continually review and evolve. Personalised pathways mean that staff are able to respond to students’ need or possibly change in need. For some, this incorporates learning across pathways (Interactive and Sensory, Entry Level and Formal) which are the underpinning of each individual’s curriculum. This is particularly evident when a student returns to school following ill health, an operation or other trauma. Pathways are reviewed continuously through MDT meetings and education reviews.

Treloar's student is decorating a yellow piece of paper that after glueing together will make a crown; his teacher is supporting him by holding his wrist and helping him put the glitter on the paper.

Interactive and Sensory Pathway

Some students, due to the complexity of their physical, medical and cognitive needs, receive a curriculum to continually support, maintain, develop and embed their physical skills, posture and mobility.

Entry Level Pathway

Some students may need all, or part of, their personalised curriculum to be focused around developing functional skills with more flexibility. With more time focused on the enquiry-based approach to learning.

Formal / GCSE Pathway

Some students may have a more bespoke subject specific timetable of learning as all, or part of, their personalised curriculum.