Sixth Form

The curriculum is designed to prepare students for their next steps into adulthood. It aims to enable students to develop as a happy, healthy, confident and independent young adults who will be able to make meaningful decisions about their own life as much as is possible and to prepare students for their next steps and aims in education and life beyond.

All students, irrespective of need, are supported to access a work-based curriculum model which emulates the demands and expectations of a typical workplace within the School and wider community. This immersive and innovative curriculum offer promotes opportunities for maximised student voice and supported independence in every aspect of the day, collectively and as individuals.

Student curriculum will be based around a range of Employability and Enterprise opportunities, Preparation for Adulthood and Functional Skills taught through AQA, ASDAN and OCR qualifications. Subjects will be differentiated to meet the learners’ individual needs and will bring together:

  • Core skills that are fundamental to ensure students gain the basic knowledge skills and understanding needed to make progress, e.g. English and maths
  • Students’ Education, Health and Care Plan to ensure learning is personalised in line with their needs
  • Contexts to ensure students receives a broad and balanced curriculum and opportunities where they can transfer skills across different learning environments
  • Enterprise to support potential of future employability
  • Community links to ensure that students receive experiences that challenge them beyond Treloar School and Sixth Form
  • Further develop skills to support students as they transition to college or into adult life
  • Access to cultural experiences and events that support the development of their awareness of their cultural inheritance and the wider local and national community, e.g. visits to museums, galleries and theatres, places of worship, Hampshire Youth Parliament

In Sixth Form, students will have their own multi-disciplinary team with a named physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist and a progress and transition coordinator. This team will meet regularly to review their achievements and progress and ensure that they are reaching their maximum potential. Priority will be given to developing their communication skills, together with developing their personal independence and physical well-being. Individualised and personalised learning will be generated through key experiences and will be built upon a foundation of seven curriculum priorities: well-being, self-awareness, communication, resilience, independence, collaboration and curiosity.

We offer two accredited pathways in our Sixth Form Provision. Each one offers our students the opportunity to extend their learning, social, and independence skills at a level and pace that suits their individual needs.

ASDAN Personal Progress Pathway

This pathway offers the opportunity to work as part of a small group led by a specialist teacher, who has particular knowledge of complex physical and learning needs. This teacher will deliver a significant proportion of the course, but there will also be additional elements taught by specialists in certain subject areas.

Students following this course are expected to be studying at Pre-national Curriculum Level One to Entry Level One. Students will often have complex individual needs and so benefit from a highly consistent, integrated approach to learning, communication, physical and social skills.


Our curriculum is based on the ASDAN ‘Personal Progress’ qualification which is internally assessed, externally moderated, and nationally recognised. The curriculum offers a comprehensive package appropriate to the individual needs of each student, and a wide range of relevant and stimulating learning opportunities.

OCR Life and Living Skills Pathway

This is a curriculum for students who engaged in an entry level curriculum through Key Stage 4. This foundation learning qualification is accredited on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and is available at Entry Level 1, 2 and 3. It offers a large number of ‘bite-sized’ units across a broad range of skill areas.

This flexible framework provides many opportunities to build a truly personalised learning programme. This course is particularly relevant to students with a ‘spiky profile’ who can achieve certification in different units at different levels.

The curriculum focuses on the skills that will be required in everyday life as students look forward to adulthood. Its core modules include: Environment and Community; Home Management; Communication; ICT; Personal Skills; Numeracy; World of Work.

All students follow accredited courses in the functional skills of maths and English at an appropriate level between Entry Level One and Level One. Students have the opportunity to work towards a number of different awards including Sports Leader’s, Arts Award in Music and John Muir Environmental Studies Award.