Primary - Ages 4 - 11

Our primary curriculum provides students aged 4-11 a broad and balanced offer. There is a real emphasis on building confidence, developing independence and determining the relevant academic pathway.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 

Our Primary curriculum:

  • Develops the fundamental skills of communication, literacy and numeracy
  • Integrates therapy into the school day
  • Provides a rich and varied context for developing e.g. observing, interpreting, predicting and engaging
  • Promotes positive attitudes to school and learning
  • Provides opportunities to learn in a practical and kinaesthetic way
  • Provides opportunities for developing movement and manipulative skills and maintain postural needs
  • Provides opportunities to develop knowledge, understanding and skills through play and thematic learning

All students will engage in sessions that support the outcomes of their EHCP through a creative, topic-based curriculum. For many students these sessions will be titled English, Maths, PSHE and PE. Literacy and numeracy skills will be embedded into the thematic, cross-curriculum approach allowing students to make better connections between different areas of learning. Some students will demonstrate they have the capacity to explore key elements in more detail.

Students will be taught predominantly in their own familiar classroom setting with access to specialist PE, Music and Outdoor Learning teachers. Their daily timetable is flexible to accommodate tailored learning and therapeutic activities.

Please request details of how the Primary (Year 1- Year 6) curriculum is mapped and subjects are sequenced and delivered.