National Careers Week 2025

At Treloar’s, students have had a fantastic time taking part in National Careers Week as they learnt about different careers and tried out new skills with employers.

Making reading accessible

Treloar School has been exploring how to further support students' access during class reading sessions.

Art commission for college students

College Enterprise students were given a brief to create a piece of art for the head office at Surrey Coalition of Disabled People. 

Safer Internet Day

In the last two weeks leading up to half term, Treloar’s has joined schools across the country to mark Safer Internet Day 2025, a major global campaign for online safety.

The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor’s annual visit to Treloar’s

On Wednesday 5 February 2025, students and staff at Treloar’s welcomed the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Alastair King DL and the Representative Lady Mayoress, Corinne Lee, together with Alderman and Sheriff Gregory Jones KC and Sheriff David Chalk, Masters, Prime Wardens and Upper Bailiff from 44 Livery Companies.

Treloar’s welcomes Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh

We were delighted to welcome our Royal Patron, HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh to Treloar’s this week to visit our newly developed Bradbury Learning Centre and our renovated swimming pool. This was Her Royal Highness’s first official engagement since celebrating her 60th Birthday on Monday.

Festive driving practice with Drivedeck

Treloar's students have embraced the festive spirit this Christmas by practising their driving skills using one of our Drivedecks decorated as a sleigh.

EHDC Councillors visit Treloar's

East Hampshire District Councillors Adeel Shah and Graham Hill visited the newly created Bradbury Learning Centre with Hannah Robbins from EHDC Community Development Team.

Santa’s grotto

Primary students enjoyed meeting Santa and his elves and spent an afternoon outdoors, taking part in Christmas activities - all set up in Treloar’s Forest School.