Every year, the London Marathon attracts thousands of runners, who apart from hoping to break their personal bests, are also fundraising for their chosen charities. This year, there were 6 runners who chose Treloar’s as their charity of choice and in the run up to the race, were fundraising and asking people to help them reach their targets.
Treloar’s marathon runners included current and former staff, friends and family members of Treloar’s staff and Treloar’s supporters.
Lauren, Events Assistant at Treloar’s, said:
The London Marathon was an amazing experience! It started really well, but around 15 miles I hit a major wall, I was in a lot of pain and struggled the next 5 miles, however, I got a second wave and ran all the way to the finish line. The atmosphere and crowd were incredible! I thoroughly enjoyed the marathon and am so happy I did it and raised my fundraising target for Treloar’s!
Former student support assistant at Treloar’s, now passionate supporter, Tivon commented:
The London marathon was a truly incredible experience for so many reasons. It’s hard to properly describe but the intensity of the encouraging atmosphere is something I’ve never experienced before and don’t think I will again anywhere else. The combination of athletic brilliance and everyday people pushing their own boundaries, for themselves and charity, is so inspiring. At points it gets really tough and your body is hurting but doing it for Treloar’s really kept driving me forward. When I was getting to the finish line, I started to remember my whole journey to get there, my reason for doing it and really appreciate the impact the fundraising will have on such an amazing place that is so special to me. It was a feeling like nothing else and an experience I can recommend to anyone.
Hannah, Treloar’s corporate supporter, commented: “It was such an awesome day – thank you all so much for the opportunity to take part.”
Andrew, Treloar’s supporter, said:
The race kicked off well, but I needed a quick pit stop at a toilet before continuing. The streets were teeming with spectators, some even setting up DJ booths and loudspeakers in their front gardens or balconies. Hearing my name cheered on was incredibly motivating, and I maintained a good pace while praying my calves would not give out, stopping at all the refreshment stations along the way. to join the exhausted runners on the ground. Crossing the finish line was a blur of cheering stands, and I could not believe it was over. After finding my friend Amanda, we celebrated with a well-deserved McDonald’s. I’m grateful to Treloar’s for the opportunity to run the London Marathon and support their cause. Though I didn’t get a chance to connect with the other Treloar’s runners due to the crowds, knowing we all contributed to such a worthy cause was immensely fulfilling.
Do you want to support Treloar’s in next year’s London Marathon? Get in touch with our team to receive an application form! Email events@treloar.org.uk