The curriculum is designed to prepare students for their next steps into adulthood. It aims to enable students to develop as happy, healthy, confident and independent young adults who will be able to make meaningful decisions about their own life in education and beyond.
Student curriculum will be based around a range of Employability and Enterprise opportunities, Preparation for Adulthood and Functional Skills taught through accreditation and qualifications. Subjects will be differentiated to meet the learners’ individual needs and will bring together:
- Core skills that are fundamental to ensure students gain the basic knowledge skills and understanding needed to make progress, e.g., English and maths
- Students’ Education, Health and Care Plan to ensure learning is personalised in line with their needs
- Contexts to ensure students receive a broad and balanced curriculum and opportunities where they can transfer skills across different learning environments
- Enterprise to support potential of future employability
- Community links to ensure that students receive experiences that challenge them beyond Treloar School
- Further develop skills to support students as they transition to college or into adult life
- Access to cultural experiences and events that support the development of their awareness of their cultural inheritance and the wider local and national community
- Work experience and continued access to guidance regarding careers and future provision tracked by Gatsby Benchmarks
- opportunity to work towards a number of different awards including Award in Music and John Muir Environmental Studies Award.
Through enterprise work, students learn to:
- Solve Problems: They tackle real challenges and come up with solutions.
- Work in Teams: They improve their communication and teamwork skills.
- Understand Money: They learn about managing budgets and making financial decisions.
- Apply What They Learn: They see how school subjects are used in real jobs.
- Explore Careers: They try out different roles to see what they like.
Combining enterprise work with real-world experiences helps students develop:
- Adaptability: They learn to handle different situations.
- Leadership: They gain confidence in taking charge.
- Independence: They become more self-reliant and confident.
This immersive and innovative curriculum offer promotes opportunities for maximised student voice and supported independence in every aspect of the day, collectively and as individuals.
Please request details of how the Sixth Form curriculum is mapped and subjects are sequenced and delivered.