Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Our EYFS curriculum is linked to children’s specific needs and interests and brings together core skills that are fundamental to ensure children gain the basic knowledge, skills and understanding needed to make progress against the EYFS and their EHCP. Our children may not fully meet the Early Learning Goals that the EYFS is working towards; therefore, we take elements and adapt from the whole curriculum.

A Unique Child

Every child is unique and needs to be recognised as an individual, valued, supported and encouraged to achieve at their own pace. We aim to help each child to develop lively inquisitive minds, become aware of the world around them and receive opportunities to make choices, take decisions and become increasingly independent and socially confident with a positive self-image. Transition from EYFS into Key Stage 1 is very effective and is at a pace which suits each individual.

Positive Relationships

Classes are small (up to 8) with a high staff-to-student ratio to help foster and develop relationships between staff, children and their families. 

Enabling Environments

Children are taught in their own familiar classroom setting with access to specialist PE and Music teachers.  Rich learning opportunities are delivered through sensory exploration, first-hand experiences, child-led activities and small focus sessions both inside and outside. 

Learning and Development

Whilst we value all areas of learning and development equally, we understand that they are often interconnected. Prime areas are particularly crucial for arousing children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. Children also learn and develop skills in the four specific areas through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. We recognise that each area is equally important and provides a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum. 

Due to the complexity of need, we promote a holistic and multi-sensory approach to teaching and learning and one that takes into account the features of effective learning and adapts this with a focus on engagement, motivation and thinking.

Each child is planned for on an individual basis. We assess their learning, development and well-being through formal and informal observations. This ensures that children are not moved on to the next stage of development before they are ready.

Safeguarding and Welfare

Treloar’s has a comprehensive portfolio of safeguarding policies which apply equally to the EYFS.

Please request details of how the EYFS curriculum is mapped and areas of learning are sequenced and delivered.